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Each memorial here is built on the hope
of preventing another death.

In Loving Memory of Waylyn Cole McRae

In Loving Memory

About Waylyn Cole McRae

Date of Birth: 03/25/1997

Hometown: Tioga, ND

Waylyn had a very big heart. He had a fantastic personality. He was charming, witty, a little arrogant, sarcastic, very spoiled and loved deeply. He loved playing basketball, hanging with his friends and riding his dirt bike. He had a high pitched laugh and loved to pull pranks on people. He had his mom and 2 sisters wrapped around his finger. He lived life to the fullest, he made the most out of every day. He was a junior, 32 days from being 18 (he couldn’t wait!). He had the world by the tail, wanting to go to Williston State for diesel mechanics.

Crash Details

Crash Date: 02/23/2015

Crash Location: 3 miles east of Ray, ND

Contributing Factors in Crash: Passenger

Crash Details:
On February 23, 2015, my son and two of his friends traveled to New Town to support the girls basketball ball team at Regionals. On their return to Ray, the driver lost control on black ice, went through the median and was struck by a loaded semi tanker. All 3 boys passed away.


I really miss him I wish everyone could live forever r.i.p Waylon mcrae much love for you ?????????
- Landyn Mcrae

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