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of preventing another death.

In Loving Memory of Amaya Acheaw

In Loving Memory

About Amaya Acheaw

Date of Birth: 08/14/2014

Hometown: Williston

Amaya was a wonderful little girl who made friends with everyone. She loved to go watch her brother play football and hockey. She loved all animals and loved to help others. She was 7 years old when she and her mother Stephanie were killed by a drunk driver driving the wrong way on highway 2 (a four lane). We miss them so much. Our family has been destroyed by this loss.

Crash Details

Crash Date: 11/06/2021

Crash Location: ND Highway 2 MM 41

Contributing Factors in Crash: Hit by an impaired driver, Passenger, Wearing a seat belt

Crash Details:
Hit head on by drunk driver who had prior arrests. Where the crash happened they met on a hill and drunk driver was going wrong way on the 4 lane highway This driver drove 8 miles on the wrong side of the highway and people called it in to the Highway Patrol.


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