North Dakota Department of Transportation Wins Two AAMVA Awards
For Immediate Release: Oct 30 2018
Bismarck, ND – On October 24, 2018, the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) hosted the Region 3 Conference in Oak Brook, Illinois, where the North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) was presented with two awards for their annual Crash Summary publication and “Taylor” public service announcement (PSA) for their impaired driving media campaign.
The annual North Dakota Crash Summary publication provides information about motor vehicle crashes, fatalities, and injuries in North Dakota. Data for this document is collected by North Dakota law enforcement officers who complete a crash report when a crash on a public road involved death, injury, or at least $1,000 in property damage. Crash reports are submitted by law enforcement to the NDDOT Safety Division for central collection and data analysis. The objective of this publication is to educate traffic safety partners and the public about risk factors involved in motor vehicle crash fatalities and injuries in North Dakota.
The second award was for the impaired driving PSA called, “Taylor.” In this thirty-second PSA, the driver of a fatal crash in Mandan, North Dakota talks about how every day he wakes up and wishes he could go back and relive that moment, that choice. Knowing the pain and suffering he caused, that he killed three of his best friends. He says, “You live with the choices you make, and some of those choices change where you live.” The objective of this PSA is to educate North Dakota motorists of the risks and consequences of driving impaired, and ultimately, change and influence motorists’ behavior to choose to always drive sober.
Founded in 1933, AAMVA serves North American motor vehicle and law enforcement agencies to accomplish their missions. AAMVA’s awards program fosters a tradition of excellence in the motor vehicle and law enforcement community by honoring individuals, teams, and organizations who have committed their time and resources to safety initiatives, outstanding customer service, and public affairs and consumer educational programs throughout the country. For more information about AAMVA and its award program, visit
To learn more about North Dakota’s Vision Zero strategy and goal to achieve zero motor vehicle fatalities and serious injuries on North Dakota roads, visit

Pictured left to right: Anne Fero – President and CEO of AAMVA, Glenn Jackson – Driver’s License Director at NDDOT, Jane Shrank – AAMVA Region 3 President