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Flasher Public School

"It's important we don't lose anyone in our community."

Flasher Public School became the second Vision Zero School in North Dakota on December 14, 2021.

Five students became student leaders by signing traffic safety pledges and agreeing to lead by example in their school to promote safe driving. Specifically, the Flasher Bulldogs want to promote driving the speed limit and distraction-free. As a rural school, it is important to them and their families that everyone takes personal responsibility on the road so they can get to and from school and events safely.

The students worked closely with their school resource officer, Morton County Deputy David Tomlinson, on launching Vision Zero Schools. Deputy Tomlinson, or "Deputy Tommy," also appeared in the banner that will hang in the school gym. 

Along with the banner, Flasher developed three PSAs to promote driving the speed limit and distraction-free.