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Killdeer Public School

"As a partner, our goal is to minimize the amount of crashes that occur by spreading safety awareness."

On January 10, 2023, Killdeer Public School became the fifth Vision Zero School in the state of North Dakota. 

Killdeer designated 16 students to lead the school with its traffic safety efforts. The student leaders chose to put their focus on distracted driving. 

Distracted diving is a common issue in our town and surrounding areas,” said student leader Josey Anderson. “As a partner of Vision Zero, our goal is to minimize the amount of crashes that occur by spreading safety awareness.”


The student leaders debuted two banners and four PSAs to their peers along with representatives from Vision Zero, school administrators, the Dunn County Sheriff's Office and the North Dakota Highway Patrol. Juniors and seniors also got to drive the SIDNE (Simulated Impaired DriviNg Experience) go-cart.
Your decision to be examples for your peers and promote traffic safety will make a difference! Thank you!