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Oakes Public School

"It is our responsibility to do whatever we can to protect one another."

Oakes Public School became the third Vision Zero School on January 4, 2023. 

Four students became student leaders by signing traffic safety pledges and agreeing to lead by example in their school to promote safe driving. Specifically, the Oakes Tornadoes want to promote driving distraction-free.

Oakes is a small community where everyone knows everyone. Because of this, I believe it is our responsibility to do whatever we can to protect one another,” said student leader Brianna Schmitz. “By spreading the Vision Zero message and especially focusing on the dangers of distracted driving, I believe we are helping to do just that.”

The student leaders debuted a banner and two PSAs to their peers along with representatives from Vision Zero and Oakes graduate Major Tom Iverson of the North Dakota Highway Patrol.

Thank you for representing Vision Zero and helping us work towards our goal of zero fatalities!